“I think going here, it set my foundation for my morals and my values. It shaped who I wanted to be. I knew who I was, I knew who I wanted to be, and I was able to stay who I was.” - Samantha Mills, Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Samantha Mills is a first grade teacher at St. Joseph School. However, the school played an important role in her life from the time she was in fifth grade until she was in eighth grade. Samantha credits the school with giving her a firm foundation during some of the most important formative years of her life. As Christian parents, we're constantly on the lookout for anything our children might get involved in that would harm them. It seems as though we're constantly hovering over our kids, watching for signs of negative peer pressure to manifest in them. Smoking Drinking alcohol Sex Swearing The list goes on and on. The truth is, kids are falling victim to peer pressure earlier and earlier. Problems that might have come up during high school when we were kids are now problems for our middle school children. Even our elementary school kids are facing moral issues that we never faced when we were young. Most Christian parents dream of being able to offer their kids a better education alternative. However, the fact is that private school is expensive. Homeschooling is often an option, however, it can place a lot of stress on a family, especially when the parents work outside the home. Foundations Christian School in Horseheads, New York offers a great, affordable alternative. Your children will be taught in a loving, Christian environment with Jesus at the center of it all. From an early age, their moral compass will be set, and each lesson will reinforce the importance of God in their lives. We are incredibly blessed to be able to offer a private, Christian education for students. If you're not happy with public schools, and you have thought about a private school for your kids, we hope you'll consider Foundations Christian School in Horseheads, New York. For more information, or to enroll your children, contact us today!
Where did our summer go? That's the question that's on everyone's mind these days. But, like it or not, summer is dwindling down to an end. That means it's time to start thinking about picking up school supplies for your kids as they prepare to enter their first year of Foundations Christian School in Horseheads, New York. Here is a list of items that you'll want to have for each grade level:
Kindergarten Pencils (thicker if needed, to make them easier to hold) Crayons Colored pencils 2 Composition Books 4 Folders (different colors) 1 Writing Tablet (with wide lines for beginning writers) Erasers Glue Sticks Non-Pointed Scissors 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade Pencils Crayons Colored pencils 2 Composition Books 7 Folders (different colors) 1 Notebook or Small Binder (with wide-ruled loose-leaf paper) Erasers Glue Sticks Scissors 5th Grade and 6th Grade Same list as Grades 1-4, including Pens 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade Pencils Colored Pencils Crayons 1 Composition Book 6 folders (different colors) Pens 1 Notebook or College Ruled Loose-leaf Paper in a Binder Erasers Glue stick Scissors Other items you may want to send in include: Pencil Sharpeners Pencil (stuff) box Tissues Hand Sanitizer As always, if you ever have any questions, feel free to contact us. This is going to be an excellent first year for Foundations Christian School in Horseheads, New York! We can't wait to get started, and we hope you feel the same way. We'll see you all in a few weeks! Parents have debated over which type of school size presents the best learning environment for their children for decades. In the 1960's, it was thought that a larger school was more beneficial. The focus was on a more comprehensive education as well as cutting down on education costs. It wasn't until more recently that experts have discovered that by sacrificing the cost of education for our children, a large school generally has a negative effect on overall academics and graduation rates. Studies have shown that as schools increase in size, absenteeism, drop out rates, and discipline issues increase as well.
What's more, according to an article on GreatSchools.org, smaller schools ended up spending (on average) about 17% less per student each year. Small schools result in spending less money per student, and they provide excellent (or even better) academic results. Falling Through The Cracks Sadly, many large schools have students who have fallen through the cracks. They may not be understanding the concepts that are taught to them, or they may need additional instruction before some things just "click". Most larger schools don't have the staff that is necessary to provide this type of instruction. As a result, it is the students who suffer. Many schools are reluctant to "fail" a child who isn't performing up to the standards of the grade level, so instead, that child gets promoted, only to receive even less instruction the following year. What Makes Foundations Christian School in Horseheads, New York Different? There is a lot that makes us different! We're excited to be starting out as a "small" school. The children who come through our doors each morning will be greeted warmly, and as they continue on throughout the day, they will be given the instruction and attention they need. Our program is an individualized one, so you can rest assured that your child will never "fall through the cracks." We do expect the occasional struggle with a math concept, or with studying for an exam. However, through our strong partnership with our school's parents, we're confident that we will be able to work together to overcome these struggles together. If you'd like to know more about Foundations Christian School in Horseheads, New York, we want to invite you to contact us! We're eager to talk to you, and it's not too late to get your child enrolled before school starts in September. We look forward to talking to you about the excellent education we have to offer your kids this year. If you're like many parents, you've given a lot of thought about what type of education you want your child(ren) to have. If you're thinking about having them attend a Christian school, such as Foundations Christian School in Horseheads, New York, there may be some questions in your mind about whether or not it's the right decision.
There are many reasons that people choose a Christian education over a public school education for their children, and today we'd like to discuss a few of the more common ones. Smaller Classroom Setting In public schools, classroom size can be a problem for many students. Some classes have twenty or more kids, depending on the size of the school itself. Teachers are often worn out by the end of the day because they have to attend to the needs of so many students on an almost constant basis. Large classrooms often mean that children who need one-on-one instruction or attention have to go without it. Those kids who find the course material to be easy often have to wait for the rest of the class to catch up. In a Christian school, the classrooms are much smaller, which means that each child receives a more personalized educational experience. Children are allowed to learn and grow at their own pace, and teachers are able to offer instruction based on the abilities of the child. Biblical Foundation In our homes, we set a Biblical foundation for everything we do, and every decision we make. Whenever problems arise, we go to the Bible to find out the answer. Most kids spend at least six hours a day in school, and when it's a public school, that Biblical foundation is lost. That means that during the school year, most kids spend 1/4 of their time learning material that isn't supported by, or that isn't supportive of God's Word. Is it any wonder that our kids have a hard time maintaining their Christian faith throughout their school years? A Christian education gives kids the supportive Biblical foundation they need, which supports the instruction they receive at church, as well as in the home. High Standards Not only do Christian schools maintain high standards for the quality of the education they offer, but they also maintain high standards as far as ethics and morality. In public schools, the social aspect of life is of the utmost importance. On any given day, a child might come home expressing concern over a friend becoming angry with another friend and expecting the uninvolved child to take sides. Peer pressure is a major problem in public schools, and many kids have succumbed to the pressure of using drugs, drinking, smoking, or having sex because a friend pressured them to do so. In Christian school, morality is very important, and the kids are held to a high standard in every area of their lives. While there will always be some problems present, even in Christian school (after all, we are all sinners), it's easier for children to give in to positive peer pressure. If you're looking for a Christian school for your child(ren), and you live in the Horseheads, Elmira, Corning, or surrounding areas, we'd love to talk to you. It's our goal to create a terrific Christian education experience for every child who comes through our doors. We are excited about the growth that's in store for Foundations Christian School, and we'd love for you and your family to become a part of that growth. For more information on Foundations Christian School, contact us today! Thank you so much for taking the time to check out Foundations Christian School in Horseheads, New York. We appreciate your patience while we get our blog and our website up and running.
This will be a very informative place for parents, so please check back often for updates and news regarding education in New York State, as well as for some great tips on helping your student become acclimated to a new school. We plan on covering a variety of subjects with this blog, and we'd love to hear any thoughts or comments you might have. It's hard to believe that the new school year is almost upon us, and we hope that your kids are as excited about school as we are. It's going to be a wonderful year, and we look forward to working with all of the families who will help to make Foundations Christian School in Horseheads, New York one of the best Christian schools in the Twin Tiers! |
Our goal is for this blog to be informative, entertaining and fun for parents and anyone who is interested in learning more about Foundations Christian School. Thanks for reading! Archives
December 2022
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