12/30/2014 0 Comments Wise Men Still Seek Him...The presents have been unwrapped...
The Christmas cookies are just about gone... The relatives have gone home, or you have gone home... Christmas is over. For some of us that brings a sense of relief. For others, it's a reason to look forward to the festivities of next Christmas. If you look at most nativity scenes, you'll see the shepherds and the wise men worshiping baby Jesus alongside Mary, Joseph and a variety of barn animals. If you read the text in the Bible, however, you'll see that the wise men didn't show up to offer their gifts to Jesus until he was a child. Matthew 2:9-11 says, "After the Wise Men had listened to the king, they went on their way. The star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them. It finally stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were filled with joy. The Wise Men went to the house. There they saw the child with his mother Mary. They bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures. They gave him gold, frankincense and myrrh. What a joy it was for the Wise Men to seek after the baby Jesus. Just because Christmas is over, that doesn't mean we should stop seeking Him. Here at Foundations Christian School, it's our prayer that you will continue to be diligent in seeking after Jesus. He's waiting to hear from you! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and we wish you a blessed New Year! For more information about Foundations Christian School, contact us!
12/9/2014 0 Comments How Do You Spend Your Snow Days?Before you get too excited, I want to make sure you're aware that as of right now, the Winter Storm Warning for our area has been CANCELLED! Still, stranger things have happened, and we could very well wake up tomorrow morning with lots of snow on the ground and either a two-hour delay or no school.
*Listening for the sound of children cheering* Either way, this creates the perfect opportunity for a post on our blog about Snow Days. First, let's talk about the facts. If your student is a Foundations Christian School student, he or she will not have school, or will have a two-hour delay if the Horseheads School District does not have school. So, listen carefully to the news, check the news stations' weather and closings updates on Facebook, or sign up to have them email you or text you the latest school closing information. If there is a two-hour delay, our school day will begin at 10:00 am, and it will conclude at the regular time. Now that the informational portion of this post has been taken care of, we'd love to know how you and your kids spend your snow days. Many families settle down before the television, pop some popcorn, and watch movies all day. This can be a fun treat for your kids, especially if you have some DVDs you've been keeping a secret for just such an occasion. Perhaps you dare to venture out into the snow when it starts to slow down and engage in a friendly snowball fight. Or, maybe you're just as happy to stay inside and do some arts and crafts with your kids. No matter what your plans are, it's important to have them, just in case we do get a snow day. It's going to happen eventually, so make sure you're prepared! If you'd like more information about Foundations Christian School, please contact us! We're still accepting applications through the end of this calendar year, so you still have time. We'd love to hear from you! It's so exciting to blog about everything that's happening here at Foundations Christian School!
First of all, our first major fundraiser of the year, Antiquities, was a huge success! We raised a lot of money for the school, and it was all thanks to our wonderful parents for going out and selling tickets. Our pictures are just now starting to come in, and people are thrilled with the final results. Please feel free to share your kids' pictures on our Facebook page. We would love to see them! Secondly, we were overwhelmed (in a good way!) by the great response we received from our blog post about needing to hire a new teacher for our older students. We ask that you remember us in prayer as we meet with each one for an interview. It's our goal for our choice to be God's choice! Finally, we just finished Thanksgiving, and the kids put on a beautiful Thanksgiving program for our parents on the day right before we left for Thanksgiving break. It was an event that included having lunch together (along with some goodies parents brought in to share) and a fun arts and crafts time too. We had a blast! Because of all that the effort that was put forth in creating such a great Thanksgiving program, we decided to cancel our Christmas program, which originally scheduled to take place on December 7. Rumor has it that Mrs. Alo is working on something spectacular for a winter concert. Be sure to stay tuned to the blog and check the calendar for updates on that as we get them. If you're still thinking about enrolling your child in Foundations Christian School, there's still time! We'd love to talk with you and answer any questions you might have. Please contact us. We'll be accepting new students through the end of this calendar year. |
Our goal is for this blog to be informative, entertaining and fun for parents and anyone who is interested in learning more about Foundations Christian School. Thanks for reading! Archives
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