The continuation of Common Core has many Christian parents wondering if a secular, public education is the right thing for their children. Perhaps you're in a similar situation and you've been wondering the same thing. Here at Foundations Christian School in Big Flats, NY, we understand your concerns. We can help you.
If you're considering making a change for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year, this is the perfect time to get more information about Foundations Christian School. We would love to have you pay us a visit and look around while you're here. You'll quickly notice that the children are very much like a family. They enjoy helping each other and they appreciate the friendships they've made with one another. The other thing you'll notice is our caring staff. We choose our teachers very carefully, and each one was hand-picked because he or she had a heart for the children. The students love their teachers, and it's easy to see why! Finally, you'll notice that a love for God permeates everything we do at FCS. We have prayer time, chapel services, and the children are taught to do everything they do for the glory of God. That makes for a wonderful learning environment for them! If you'd like more information about what a Christian education would look like for your child, we'd like to invite you to contact us. We're enrolling for next year, and we'd be happy to send your family an application. God has truly blessed our school, and we'd love to include your children and family in on those blessings.
4/16/2015 0 Comments Much Ado About Common CoreYou'd have to be hiding under a rock to miss all of the buzz about the Common Core state tests that are happening in New York this week and next week. Many parents have chosen to opt their children out of these tests, and they have a variety of reasons for doing so.
For some, they don't believe the curriculum is appropriate, and so they are making a political statement by not allowing their children to sit for the exams. Others have watched their children stress over their Common Core math all year long, and they don't want to put them under the pressure by making them take the tests. No matter what the reasons are, if you're a parent who has opted your child out of Common Core tests, you might be wondering if there is another alternative. There is. Foundations Christian School offers your child a solid, Christian education without a need for concern about Common Core. Many of our students have actually taken state exams and have passed them without a problem. Some have even tested well into the next few grade levels. That's because we have a different approach to education. We provide a Christian atmosphere that strives to be as stress-free as possible. We would love to offer your child the same opportunity our students have had for two years. If you would like more information about Foundations Christian School in Big Flats, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us! |
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